10 november - 11 november
Workshop (Dacha Kochubeia, Tsarskoe Selo)
The aim of the November meeting at Dacha Kochubeiia is thus to bring
together representatives of creative industry expertise already existing in
St Petersburg: to consider pilot projects that would facilitate the
development of St Petersburg's creative industries sector, both as a whole
and in its burgeoning sub-sectors, and identify ways it may be possible to
share international experience and combine efforts, in order to set up the
building blocks of a supportive infrastructure to develop the sector.
last news... |

You are invited to the Introductory Meeting to launch the Creative
Industries Development Partnership, which is funded by the Tacis
Cross-Border Co-operation Small Projects Facility.
Creative Industries are the fastest-growing economic sector in Europe, made
up of small and medium enterprises whose business activity is based on
creativity in the arts, design and knowledge skills, and entrepreneurship.
St Petersburg, Russia's cultural and high-tech industry capital, has
outstanding potential in this sphere.
Aims of the Meeting
- to share with St Petersburg specialists the experience of European
Union countries in supporting the development of enterprise in the cultural
- to review the potential for adapting the European models for Russia.
St Petersburg will be represented by senior officials from the City
Administration, international technical assistance organisations, the
relevant support and training institutions, and existing and nascent
creative industries. In addition there will be representatives from the
city governments of Helsinki, Manchester and Barcelona, as well as the Tacis
programmes and other donor organisations.
Meeting format
The meeting is targeted on a maximum of 40 participants, key individuals in
this sphere, with the intention of creating a favourable forum for the
direct exchange of information and discussion. It will aim to deal with
such questions as:
- What are the creative industries
- What is their strategic role in city development
- What is their economic impact
- How can they benefit St Petersburg
The working languages will be Russian and English, with simultaneous
translation of the presentations and consecutive interpretation of the round
table discussion. The meeting will take place from 9.30 (coffee and
registration), with the working session 10.00-14.00; it will conclude with
an informal buffet lunch at 14.00.
Please indicate on the Registration Form your participation, or that of your
named representative. We will be very glad to welcome you to the Meeting.
Please contact: Elena Belova, tel/fax: (812) 319 9626; e-m:
programme |
programme |
9.30 | Registration/coffee |
10.00 | Welcome
Evgeny Kolchin, Chair, St. Petersburg's Committee for Culture
10.20 |
Introduction to Creative Industries Development Partnership Project
Susan Causey, Project co-ordinator
Justin O'Connor, Director, Manchester Institute for Popular Culture
10.50 - 12.00 |
Panel. Experience of European Union countries in promoting creative industry sector.
Chaired by:
Irina Karelina, General director, Leontief Centre and
Susan Causey, Project co-ordinator
Georg Dolivo, Helsinki, Director, European Culture Capital 2000
Aileen McEvoy, Manchester, Deputy Director, North West Arts Board
Jordi Pascual I Ruiz, Barcelona Institut de Cultura
Tatiana Azernikova, Chief Specialist, Committee for Economy and Industrial Policy
Viacheslav Baturo, St. Petersburg Department of State Employment Service, Small Business Advisory Centre
12.00 - 12.30 | Coffee break |
12.30 - 13.10 | Panel. Support Services for Creative Entrepreneurship within EU countries
Timo Cantell, City of Helsinki Urban Facts,
Andy Lovatt, Director, Manchester's Cultural Industries Development Service (CIDS)
13.10 - 14.10 |
Andrei Zonin, Director, Institute for Cultural Programmes
Elena Kolovskaya, Director, Institute ProArte
Harald Neimeier, EBRD, Fund for SME support
Marina Istomina, Director, The Cultural Fund
Nikolai Medvedev, General director, Pushkinskaya 10
14.10 - 14.45 |
Creative Industry representatives:
Marina Lebedeva, Director, International Festival 'Evolution of Interior'
Felix Naroditsky, Director, JFC-Jazz-Club
Tatiana Ponomarenko, Director, Borey Art Center
Closing remarks
14.45 |
Lunch |
list of participants |
participants |
St. Petersburg City Administration
Post, organization
Azernikova Tatiana A. | Chief Specialist, Committee for Economy and Industrial Policy |
Batozhok Natalia I. | Chairman, Committee on preparation for celebration of the tercentenary of St. Petersburg |
Baturo Viacheslav A. | St. Petersburg Department of State Employment Service, Small Business Advisory Centre |
Botkina Ludmila V. | First deputy chairman, Committee on Tourism and Resort Development |
Vladimirova Tatuana N. | Chief Specialist, Committee for External Affairs |
Gavrilova Tamara S. | Committee for External Affairs, Head of Department |
Gribova Elena I. | Deputy chairman, St. Petersburg Committee for State Statistics |
Kolchin Evgeny E. | Chairman, St. Petersburg's Committee for Culture |
Lukin Evgeny V. | St Petersburg 300 Fund |
Meshavkin Iaroslav S. | Head of Information Department Committee on Mass Media |
Osokina Galina N. | Deputy Head of Department for SME support, Committee for Economy and Industrial Policy |
International Technical and Financial Assistance Organizations
Boudanoque Anastasia | Coordinator of Art Program, British Council |
Neimeier Harald | EBRD, Fund for SME Support |
Eliseeva Vladlena V. | Expert - curator of projects, TACIS CBC for Small Projects Facility |
Marina Istomina, | Director, The Cultural Fund |
Snisarenko Irina S. | President, Invest Club |
Stejskal Vaclav | Team Leader,Technical Office - St. Petersburg European Union's Tacis Prorgamme |
Verbitskij Aleksei | Project Co-ordinator (USAID) |
NGO's, consulting, training and research institutions
Balanev Sergey A. | General Director, St. Petersburg Foundation for SME Development |
Belova Elena G. | Head of Development Department, Leontief Centre |
Borisov Nickolay | Director, St. Petersburg State UniversityInterdisciplinary Center |
Voronkov Viktor | Director, Centre for Social Research |
Danisievski Sergey E. | President, Cultural Fund Defilet |
Garbuzov Sergey D. | Deputy chairman, Council of Regional NGO Historical-Archive Centre |
Zonin Andrei S. | Director, Institute for Cultural Programs |
Karelina Irina A. | General Director, Leontief Centre |
Kizilova Irina N. | Deputy Director, Institute for Cultural Programs |
Kizko Andrei V. | Chairman, Council of Regional NGO Historical-Archive Centre |
Kovaleva Tatiana Y. | Centre for Citizen Initiatives |
Kolovskaya Elena Ph. | Director Institute "Pro Arte" |
Lebedeva Marina E. | Director, International Festival 'Evolution of Interior' |
Margolis Alexander D. | Director, International Charitable Fund for St Petersburg - Leningrad Revival |
Medvedev Nikolay Y. | General Director, Pushkinskaya 10 Cultural Centre |
Oding Nina Y. | Head of the research department, Leontief Centre |
Fursenko Andrey A. | General Director, St Perersburg Regional Fund for High-Tech Development |
Khodachek Alexander M. | Head of the department for federal regional programs, RESTEC |
Cultural/Creative Sector
Arakcheev Boris S. | Director, State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg |
Anisimov Andrey A. | Manager on Fundraising, Mariinsky Theatre |
Baykov Igor V. | Marketing Director, Avangard-Svetlana-Multimedia |
Volchek Lidia L. | Head of the Department, St. Petersburg State Conservatoire |
Gavrilov Viktor N. | General Director, City Tourist Information Centre, Committee on Tourism and Resort Development |
Gergiev Valery A. | Artistic Director, State Academic Mariinsky Theatre |
Gusev Vladimir A. | Director, State Russian Museum |
Douglas Le Bois | General Director, Lomonosov Porcelain Factory |
Kolovsky Zakhar M. | Director, State Center of Modern Arts, St. Petersburg Branch |
Mamontov Alexander V. | Director, Festival of Festivals |
Marc de Mauny, | Executive Director, International Winter Festival Arts Square |
Magidovich Marina L. | Director, St Petersburg NGO Centre for Sociology and Art |
Milochenko Nikolay P. | President, Culture Support Foundation |
Milkov Dmitry E. | Director, V. Nabokov Museum |
Naroditsky Felix S. | Director, JFC-Jazz-Club |
Nebogatikova Elena V. | Deputy Director, Russian National Library |
Piotrovsky Mikhail B. | Director, State Hermitage |
Ponomarenko Tatyana G. | Director, Borey Art Centre |
Semenova Tamara G. | Director, Master Class Festival" |
Sirakanyan Ekaterina M., | Head of Fundraising and Advertisement Department, State Academic Mariinsky Theatre |
Sklyarsky Vladimir A. | General Director, "Brodyachaya Sobaka" Club |
Soldatenko Anatoly V. | Head of Development and Marketing Department, State Hermitage |
Stolyarov Boris A. | Head of Russian Center of Museum Pedagogy and Children's Art, State Russian Museum |
Thomson Olga I | President, Russian Album Foundation |
Fedorov Evgeny V. | Senior Manager, Development and Marketing Department, State Hermitage |
International partners and experts
Mr Georg Dolivo | Director for Helsinki City Authority of 'Helsinki City of Culture 2000' Project |
Timo Cantell | Urban Facts City of Helsinki |
Jordi Pascual i Ruiz | Senior Planning Officer, Institut de Cultura, Barcelona |
Andrew Lovatt | Director of Manchester City Council's Creative Industries Development Service |
Aileen McEvoy | Deputy Director, North West Arts Board |
Katherine Hindley | International Officer, Manchester City Council Economic Initiatives Unit |
Justin O'Connor | Director, MIPC |
Susan Causey | Programme Manager, Russia, The Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum |
Korf Elena | The Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum |
