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OECD Forum
Forum for Entrepreneurship & Enterprise Development
Forum for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development (FEED) programme is
the main vehicle for promoting enterprise development in non-Member OECD
FEED is an innovative tool concentrating on business start-ups and the
development of small and medium-sized businesses. The FEED programme is
based on best practice principles drawn from the experiences of OECD Member
These are then discussed through Regional FEED initiatives, bringing
together key representatives of government, NGOs, international donor
organisations and the private sector in Member and non-Member countries and
adapted in response to local needs and circumstances.
At present, six such fora exist covering the following areas/countries:
Global FEED,
Transition Economies,
Baltic Countries,
Russian Federation,
South East Europe,
South America.
Forum for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development in the Russian Federation
Policy Guidelines and Recommendations for FEED in the Russian Federation
Since 1999, the OECD has conducted the Russia Forum for Entrepreneurship and
Enterprise Development (FEED), which addresses the issues fundamental to the
creation and nurturing of small and medium-sized businesses. In addition to
engaging in a traditional "top-down" policy dialogue, the FEED encourages
"bottom-up" support to entrepreneurs.
The Russian FEED programme has produced guidelines that serve a major role
in the process of policy design in Russia. The guidelines cover a wide range
of areas such as policy frameworks to support small business, creating an
appropriate tax environment for business development, limiting bureaucratic
burdens, encouraging business integrity, making financing more accessible
and exploring ways to create business incubators for start-ups. The impact
of these guidelines on policy formulation has been positive, with the
Ministry for Antimonopoly Policy (MAP) basing its ongoing work on the issues
raised in the context of the FEED programme.