Information for Cultural Industries Support Services
iCISS is a two-year research project co-financed by the European Social Fund
ADAPTprogramme and Manchester Metropolitan University.The Research is being
conducted by Manchester Institute for Popular Culture and partners in Milan,
Jamtland (Sweden), Helsinki, Berlin, Dublin, Goteborg, Tilburg and
Barcelona. The overall intention of the iCISS project was threefold:
.: to conduct a mapping of strategies and initiatives to support and develop
the cultural industries at local, national and European levels,
to use the process of research to generate contacts and networks at these
policy levels,
to use the information and understanding generated by the research to inform
and actively engage with the policy making process.
The results of iCISS activities presented on the server of Metropolitan University of Manchester Institute for Popular Culture.
The iCISS web-site can be divided into six parts. They are:
- Policy Development
- Technological Support
- UK Policy and Initiative Research
- Music Industry Research
- Transnational Network
Sankt-Petersburg will become the first russian city in the european network iCISS. This fact would be good for the direct contacts and experience exchanging between firms, administrative organisations, municipalities, research and educating centres of EU and Russia.
1. ICISS: Policy Development
This page tell us about definition of the cultural industries and an
estimate of their role for the economy and society in whole. There is a look
at the researches and development strategy of cultural industries in
Manchester. The theme developed in connection with research and policy
development work with Manchester City Council and partners around the
development of a Cultural Production Startegy for the City and the creation
of new agency,
The Cultural Industries Development Service (CIDS), in the
part concerns Manchester Pride Area (Manchester, Salford, Tameside,
The project aims to the sustainable growth of independent cultural product
and city's image as a natural centre of cultural corporations in the Great
2. ICISS: Technological Support
The page includes:
- Link to the web-site
www.nqn.org.uk - Guide to the Northern Quarter with
Maps and local information Northern Quarter Association - the Residents and
Traders Organisation, Northern Quarter Network Information
- Information about the Northern Quarter Network and the history of the
Northern Quarter
- Key issues in Web site usability
- Article "Crafting innovative industry standards in the new digital
districts - a review of trends in the USA and Europe". There are now a long
list of localities claiming or seeking a place at the 'digital' or 'tech
city' table, and supporting Net/Web business is seen as a key lever. That
localities which wish to attract or sustain the Net/Web industry will be
judged by their ability to adopt these standards, and by how inventively
they enhance and re-work them. This paper tell us what methods and mind-sets
are being used to achieve this objective.
3. ICISS: UK Policy and Initiative Research
The page includes the report "Local cultural industries support services in
the UK: towards the model of best practice". This report is based on
mixed-method research into local cultural industries support services in the
UK. It builds on the report, by recognising the pervasiveness, indeed
increasing significance, of place-specific policies delivered by
place-specific agencies in a broader context where many policies are
delivered at a macro (regional, national, European, even global) scale. Case
studies of local cultural industries clusters/quarters, business support
projects, training programmes and sub-sectoral initiatives, are introduced
to develop models of best practice for comprehensive, co-ordinated,
corporate local cultural industries support services.
Policy-makers react to and seek to influence trans-national, increasingly
'globalised' systems of production and consumption by adopting national or
supra-national policies such as those implemented by national governments or
the European Commission (EC). Yet simultaneously, processes of international
social and economic restructuring have led to and been led by processes of
local embedding where locality - 'place'- matters. City districts, cities,
regions persist and are growing in importance as nodes in global networks.
Local policies are thus necessary to assert local identities and promote
sustainable local communities, but it is important that they are delivered
to engage with trans-local and international processes since it is in
relation to these global networks that places find their identities, prosper
or decay.
In this way, the 'local' and the 'global' are reciprocal and mutually
constitutive. Flexible and sensitive local policies are thus essential if
competing local networks are to maintain a robustness which is sufficient to
carry the increasingly demanding flows of global networks and general
This is especially important for local cultural industries policies since
the structures and emphases of this sector are dependent on strong local
networks/clusters and distinctive local identities as a basis for expression
- the establishment of meaning - in global, (often electronic) networks.
This report should therefore be read in relation to reports from other areas
of the ICISS project if a local cultural industries sector operates in a
national, European and global context, then so does the local cultural
industries policy. In this sense, whilst determined largely by features
attributable to the specificities of place, cultural industries policy in,
say, Berlin, remains subject to EC policy frameworks, electronic networks,
an international marketplace and global competition, in much the same way as
in, say, Manchester. It is the ways cities and regions react to global flows
and local factors, the ways they compete and join together, that defines and
is defined by their local cultural industries policy. This process - the way
local policies relationally develop to meet specific (sub)sectoral needs
through trans-local networks - defines the structure of the ICISS project
and this report.
www.mmu.ac.uk/h-ss/mipc/foci is a network of experienced professionals
concerned to inform and influence the current debates around the creative
industries - now given momentum by the high profile accorded the sector by
the government. FOCI brings together a wide body of experience around local
and regional policy; economic and social development; urban regeneration;
academic research; cultural strategy; education and training; and
industry-based initiatives - accumulated over the last 15 years of Creative
Industry policy making.
Also, on this web-page one can read the national conference report about the
role of cultural industries in the local and global development. The
conference had been lead partly by the government, in 1999.
5. ICISS: Music Industry Research -this part is still under construction
6. ICISS: Transnational Network
The part consists of individual city reports: Berlin, Milan, Tilburg and
Jamtland, and nine case studies: Barcelona,
Dublin, Goteborg,
Jamtland, Manchester,
Milan and Tilburg.