January 13, 2003
Creative industries in the modern city: encouraging Enterprise and
Creativity in St Petersburg.
This publication focuses on the work of the 18-month programme 'Creative
Industries Development Partnership: St Petersburg, Helsinki, Manchester',
initiated by St Petersburg's Leontief Centre for Social and Economic
Research and the Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum. The
project's work has progressed under the aegis of the three city authorities.
It is co-financed by the European Union's Tacis programme through the Tacis
CBC Small Project Facility.
As a foundation for development, the main strand of the work was the survey
of St Petersburg's existing creative industries, described in Section 3, and
the initial attempt at mapping the sector in Section 2. But the programme
took shape and gathered momentum through a series of workshops, in June,
September and November 2001 and in February and May 2002. A study programme
in Helsinki for key cultural entrepreneurs from St Petersburg plus four
members of the Administration gave full direct experience of the enabling
environment Helsinki provides for the creative industries, as well as
opportunities for relevant new cross-border links.
The next steps in the development process, with a series of specific
recommendations for taking it further, are outlined in Section 4. The
concluding part shows actual steps taking place, listing three of the pilot
projects designed to speed structural growth and consolidation of the
sector, created by people already working in St Petersburg's creative
May 29, 2002
The First Creative Industries International Forum St Petersburg - Helsinki -
Manchester has took place in St Petersburg. The main aim of the Forum is to
give a new stimulus to innovation, and to facilitate the consolidation and
further development of the creative enterprise.
February 22-27, 2002
St Petersburg City Administration and creative sector enterprise
representatives spent one week on the study tour in Helsinki. Above the
stimulating informal introduction and good informative program of the study
tour, it was also useful for international cooperation development and pilot
projects elaboration.
December 5, 2001
Workshop on Draft Helsinki programme, 25-30.01.02 designed to share
experience of creative industries development, but also to foster
cross-border support links, and pilot projects.
10 november - 11 november, 2001
Workshop (Dacha Kochubeia, Tsarskoe Selo)
The aim of the November meeting at Dacha Kochubeiia is thus to bring together representatives of creative industry expertise already existing in St Petersburg: to consider pilot projects that would facilitate the development of St Petersburg's creative industries sector, both as a whole and in its burgeoning sub-sectors, and identify ways it may be possible to share international experience and combine efforts, in order to set up the building blocks of a supportive infrastructure to develop the sector.
18 september - 21 september, 2001
Series of seminars and workshops to discuss the results of desk-top research and survey of practitioners and service providers.
6 june - 31 august, 2001
Desk-top research involving the project partners, key policy-makers and practitioners in order to obtain an overall perspective of the creative industries SME sector in St. Petersburg. Carrying off the survey to establish the qualitative characteristic of the exist CI SME sector, its specific problems and needs, and evaluate effectiveness of the existing support system and service providers.
6 June, 2001
Launch Conference on the Project - meeting of Saint-Petersburg City Administration, City of Helsinki, Manchester City Council (Sheraton Nevskij Palace Hotel)