Creative industry SMEs are the subject of new economic development policies
and structures in countries throughout Europe, being at the heart of
regional development strategies in Helsinki and Manchester, but also, for
example, in Berlin, Milan, Frankfurt, Lyon and Rotterdam. They were
described in the April 1998 Report of the UK Government's Creative Industry
Task Force as the country's 'future economic powerhouse'. The project's aim
is to develop cooperation, specialist networks and exchange of expertise to
benefit all partners, with the main goal to support St Petersburg's
regeneration through helping develop a creative industry strategy.
partners... |

partners - project initiators |
partners |
City of Helsinki Urban Facts
The City of Helsinki's Department of Urban Facts does research, acquires and provides information about present, past and future of Helsinki and its districts. Urban facts helps improve the city's decision-making ability and thus contributes to building a better future for Helsinki residents.
Urban research issues include population, living conditions regional and municipal economy city management education, labour market urban culture.
The Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum (PWBLF)
Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum (PWBLF). The PWBLF, which has experience of managing Russian-international projects since 1993 (its Programme Manager has this experience since 1989), is a worldwide expert on partnership capacity-building, ensuring the workability and sustainability of cross-border and cross-cultural programmes. Its Russia work has focused on St Petersburg's cultural sector as a motor for economic regeneration and partnerships between state, NGO and cultural sectors. The PWBLF is the lead project manager.
Manchester Institute for Popular Culture(MIPC)
MIPC is a multi-disciplinary research unit, which experience is a base for SME development strategies of creative industries of Department for Culture, Media and Sport of Great Britain and Manchester City Council's Creative Industries Development Service. MIPC also is a leader organisation in the "Information for Creative Industries Support Services" project and it joins 8 cities and EU region. So, MIPC is a leader project consultant.
Leontief Centre
The Leontief Centre was organised in 1991 on the initiative of Sankt-Petersburg Mayor. The International Leontief Centre for Social and Economic Research (LC) supports economic and social reform in Russia through policy development and research. Since 1996 LC has been responsible for the organisation, management and monitoring of The Strategic Plan for St. Petersburg, December 1997, supported by the World Bank and involving coordination of initiatives from different sections of the City Government as well as widespread public consultation. Since its foundation, LC has played a major role in the development of SMEs as a key element in economic and social reform, including the setting up of support funds and other infrastructure institutions. It has collaborated in this at different times with the World Bank, the European Community, USAID and the Eurasia Foundation.
Cultural Programms Institute (CPI)
The main goal of CPI is Sankt-Petersburg's promotion to the world's market of tourist and cultural services. CPI is a research unit, which takes municipal, regional, federal and international programs into life.
participants of the main project events |
partners |
We are very grateful to all organisations of creative industry and governmental institutions, which are taking part in the process of identification of creative industries' sector needs and development problems, and also of governmental priorities concern creative industries support in Sankt-Petersburg.
Parners - Participants of the Main Project Events:
- Committee for Economy and Industrtial Policy
- Committee for Culture
- Committee on Tourism and Resort Development
- Committee for External Affairs
- Sankt-Petersburg City Assembly Commission for Culture, Science and Education
- Russian North-West Association of Tourist Agencies
- Committee on Preparation for Celebration of the Tercentenary of St. Petersburg
- St. Petersburg Committee for State Statistics
- St. Petersburg Department of State Employment Service, Small Business Advisory Centre
- Centre for Independent Sociological Research
- RESTEC, Department for Federal Regional Programs
- Cultural Fund, City Centre Rehabilitation World Bank Project
- British Council
- Soros Foundation
- Fund for SME Support, EBRD
- St-Peterburg Office - St. Petersburg European Union's Tacis Prorgamme
- St Perersburg Regional Fund for High-Tech Development
- SPb SME Support Foundation
- SME Support Centre
- Council of Regional NGO Historical-Archive Centre
- International Charitable Fund for St. Petersburg-Leningrad Revival
- Foundation for Support of Russian Culture
- State Centre for Contemporary Art
- Centre for Sociology and Arts
- Corporation of Direct Investors
- PRO ARTE Institute
- Smolny College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- State Hermitage
- Hermitage Academy of Music Regional Chairtable Foundation
- State Russian Museum
- State Museum of Russia's Political History
- Museum of Vladimir Nabokov in Sankt-Petersburg
- Association of SPb and Leningrad Oblast Museum Professionals
- State Academic Mariinsky Theatre
- St. Petersburg State Conservatoire
- Russian National Library
- Russian Album Foundation
- Mukhina Academy
- SPAS Modern Art Gallery
- "Delta" gallery
- Small Drama Theatre
- "Theatre-Dom"
- "Komik-trest" Theatre
- Architectural Club
- Light Industry Innovation Centre
- Fashion Library of Light Industry Innovation Centre
- Elite Fashion Shop "Little Corner of France"
- Lilia Kisselenko Design-studio
- Cultural Enlightenerial Fund "Defile"
- SKIF Music Festival (Sergei Kuryokhin festival)
- KukArt Festival
- International Festival "Evolution of Interior"
- Master Class Festival
- Festival of Festivals
- Cultural Centre "Pushkinskaya, 10"
- "Griboedov" Club
- "Brodyachaya Sobaka" Club
- JFC jazz club
- Modern Jazz Dance School and Company"Canon Dance"
- " The Aktivist" Newspaper
- ILAN Advertising Agency
- Sankt-Petersburg "Culture" Channel
- RTR St Petersburg Radio and TV Company
- "Eldoradio" and "Melodia" Radio Stations
- "Melodika" Association ("Sound Laboratory" Production Centre, "KDK-records)"
- "Bomba-Piter" - Company of Music Sales and Distribution Business and Manchester Recording and Productions
- Internet-Help Agency
- Cultural Entreprises Software Company "Alt-Soft"
- Avangard-Svetlana-Multimedia
- Private equity "Totem"
- "City Tourist Company
- "PAN-TOURS" Tourist Company
- Design for Masses (D4M) -our partner-designer of the web site
- Institut de Cultura, Barcelona
- Manchester City Council's Creative Industries Development Service
- North West Arts Board
We hope for the further successful collaboration with our partners, and new organisations interested in the field are always welcome! |
